Monday, November 17, 2014

English Language Challenges

Well, how to start, I think for the beginning (haha bad joke). English is a language that I really like, because I love how sounds when it is well pronounced. I think that English is very important to people because is an universal language, if you are in any place in the world you could survive only speaking English, because ALWAYS will be a person that speak that language.

English is important too to the students of this career, because the most of movies that we see are in this language. Also the music and the books. I think that the learning of English must start in a very early age, because to the adults (I think in my Mom) is too late to start learning it.

English is not difficult, but need a lot of practice. I know how to read English stuffs and I understand when a person talk to me in English, but is very difficult to me write in this language. I don't know why but I always get tangled when I want to conjugate a verb. The past, the present and the future are very complicated to me, but I promise that I will fix it and I will learn a perfect English when I leave the university.

I really enjoys the classes, thanks for all teacher, I learned a lot.

Post 8: Money

Well, the money is not a very important thing to me, because I always lived with no luxuries or any of that expensive and stupid things. Of course that I think that money is very important to other basic things like eat, travel or buy clothes.

I really hate the upstart people, because they wish to be a person that they really aren't, like the people that live in Comunas like Maipu, Pudahuel or Renca and want to live in places like Providencia or Las Condes just for the status that that places grants. So pathetic. 

I'm very good managing my budget, because as I don't win much money I learned to save my money and use it wisely. I started to work when I realized that my Mom couldn't pay all the thins that I need, and that was when I was sixteen. Since that age, I don't request money for My mom never more.

I don't know what I would do if I was millionaire, probably I spent money in stupid things like electronic gadgets or videogames or things like that. But the one thing that I'm sure is that I will hep my family and specially my mother, I will give her a new apartment and a lot of tickets to travel around the world.

Monday, October 20, 2014

I'm not a green person

I think that I'm not an ecologist person, but I love animals, in fact I have two pets, a dog and a cat and I love them. I use to throw the trash in dumpsters and all that things, but I don't promote the recycle or any of that things.

Because I think that the life is too short to worries about the environment. That's why there are environmental groups to do the boring work. I contribute to the planet doing other things, like respecting the animals rights, giving love to the street dogs and seeing funny videos of animals on internet.

If I had more money, I would pick up stray animals and bring them to my house to play with them, but I'm so poor, so I must settle just wishing to have a big house.

The thing that I really hate of this city, its the Mapocho river, because there is so dirty and polluted, and also stinks very bad. I think that if we all stop being so filthy, The Mapocho wouln't have nothing to envy to any European river.
My dream is to take a swim in a clean Mapocho, and have a good time with all my friends. I hope that day will come.

Monday, October 6, 2014

A piece of news

The piece of news I'm going to comment is about I recently read in the paper, specifically in La Cuarta, the best paper of all and also the most serious.

It was about the new reallity show of the channel MEGA, it doesn't have a title yet, but the most important thing is the fact that Edmundo Varas and his brother Wladimir are going to participate.

This new make me happy because Edmundo Varas is my favorite famous of the TV. I think that he will be the next Don Francisco, because they have the same skills: charisma, sympathy, beauty and a beautiful voice.

I think that Vladimir is just a scumbag, he want to steal the fame of his brother, Vladimir has not any talent like Edmundo, I think that Vladimir will be the first eliminate of the reallity. I really hope so.

Edmundo is my idol, I always remember when he was the most important guy after the reallity show "Blind Love". He showed to all the chilean people that men can be tender and sensitive. His song "You're the love of my life" still plays in my head. I love that guy, I really do. That's all folks.

Monday, September 29, 2014

My Future Job

I don't think so much about the future because I think that the present is the most important thing. The present is a gift, in Spanish present and gift mean the same thing, but that's not the deal. Okay... let's see... 

The kind of job that I would like to have obviously its something about the career that I'm studying, because that's why I'm paying a lot of money. I wouldn't like to work in any area, I would like to work like a Director or a Scriptwriter, because these are the areas where I have more experience than others, I like Cinematography too, but like I don't have my own camera I don't have much experience.

If I were asked in a job interview about my strengths and weaknesses I would say that my principal skills are Responsibility, Timeliness and Leadership, also I think that I have good ideas and I have a lot of sense of humor, so I don't get stressed about anything. I don't have weaknesses because I'm perfect in that sense, I'm a kind of Terminator but made in the present, my only fail is not have fails. That's a joke obviously because I'm not a robot, I'm a mutant,  a real mutant being. That's all, bye.

Monday, September 22, 2014

My Best Friend

I don't have a best friend because I have a lot of friends, like Roberto Carlos but not a million of them. In the university I have a group of friends called "Iceitos", they're my best friends but deep in my heart I really hate them because they're very stupid, but at the same time that is the thing that I most like of them. 

In the Iceitos group are: José Miguel (The baby) the most handsome and little of all, Camilo (The Milk) the most milkest man on earth, Marco (The tank) the most partyboy and drunkest, Nicolás (The fat) that is like an eight ball of pool, Francisco (The gaucho) the most angriest man I ever know, and Ignacio (The raccoon) the most stupid guy in all the universe.

I met them in the University in first year, but in that period we weren't friends yet. Iceitos born in second year and I think that in fifth year we will fight each other and Iceitos will broke. I'm really waiting that this happen. It is my secret wish.

It's a joke, I love my friends (except The Racoon)

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Best Concert I've had

The best concert of all my life was Placebo, in 2007. Remembering I actually went with my couple in that time (It doesn't matter if was a boy or a girl because well.... is Placebo). The band played in the Movistar Arena, with the chilean band Lucybell, one of the worst group of music that I've ever seen. I really liked the show, because Brian Molko (The singer) has a very pretty voice, and his face is so beautiful. I really loved him because when I was younger I didn't know too much about my sexuality, I was.... like the people says.... an emo. 

I will not talk about when I was an emo, because the issue brings to me a lot of pain and suffering, and I don't wanna cry because we are in class and the people could laugh of my painful heart.

Placebo brings to me a lot of good and bad memories, like my school friends, my teenage girlfriends and the Pantera, the dirty and violent punk guy that stood outside my school.

This is the video of the song "every you and every me", a very beautiful lyrics about... I don't know.