Monday, October 6, 2014

A piece of news

The piece of news I'm going to comment is about I recently read in the paper, specifically in La Cuarta, the best paper of all and also the most serious.

It was about the new reallity show of the channel MEGA, it doesn't have a title yet, but the most important thing is the fact that Edmundo Varas and his brother Wladimir are going to participate.

This new make me happy because Edmundo Varas is my favorite famous of the TV. I think that he will be the next Don Francisco, because they have the same skills: charisma, sympathy, beauty and a beautiful voice.

I think that Vladimir is just a scumbag, he want to steal the fame of his brother, Vladimir has not any talent like Edmundo, I think that Vladimir will be the first eliminate of the reallity. I really hope so.

Edmundo is my idol, I always remember when he was the most important guy after the reallity show "Blind Love". He showed to all the chilean people that men can be tender and sensitive. His song "You're the love of my life" still plays in my head. I love that guy, I really do. That's all folks.