Monday, September 8, 2014

The Best Concert I've had

The best concert of all my life was Placebo, in 2007. Remembering I actually went with my couple in that time (It doesn't matter if was a boy or a girl because well.... is Placebo). The band played in the Movistar Arena, with the chilean band Lucybell, one of the worst group of music that I've ever seen. I really liked the show, because Brian Molko (The singer) has a very pretty voice, and his face is so beautiful. I really loved him because when I was younger I didn't know too much about my sexuality, I was.... like the people says.... an emo. 

I will not talk about when I was an emo, because the issue brings to me a lot of pain and suffering, and I don't wanna cry because we are in class and the people could laugh of my painful heart.

Placebo brings to me a lot of good and bad memories, like my school friends, my teenage girlfriends and the Pantera, the dirty and violent punk guy that stood outside my school.

This is the video of the song "every you and every me", a very beautiful lyrics about... I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you! Lucibell is the worst band ever. And you can cry if you want...I have tissues if you need. =)
