Monday, October 20, 2014

I'm not a green person

I think that I'm not an ecologist person, but I love animals, in fact I have two pets, a dog and a cat and I love them. I use to throw the trash in dumpsters and all that things, but I don't promote the recycle or any of that things.

Because I think that the life is too short to worries about the environment. That's why there are environmental groups to do the boring work. I contribute to the planet doing other things, like respecting the animals rights, giving love to the street dogs and seeing funny videos of animals on internet.

If I had more money, I would pick up stray animals and bring them to my house to play with them, but I'm so poor, so I must settle just wishing to have a big house.

The thing that I really hate of this city, its the Mapocho river, because there is so dirty and polluted, and also stinks very bad. I think that if we all stop being so filthy, The Mapocho wouln't have nothing to envy to any European river.
My dream is to take a swim in a clean Mapocho, and have a good time with all my friends. I hope that day will come.


  1. Dreams are so beautiful: once I dreamed that I stopped dreaming... weird. At least green is a nice color: respect.

  2. I think everyone of us, filmmakers students, will end living in the Mapocho river, so you should get used on that. Oh I forgot you are talented because you win festivals, remember me when you become famous.
