Monday, September 29, 2014

My Future Job

I don't think so much about the future because I think that the present is the most important thing. The present is a gift, in Spanish present and gift mean the same thing, but that's not the deal. Okay... let's see... 

The kind of job that I would like to have obviously its something about the career that I'm studying, because that's why I'm paying a lot of money. I wouldn't like to work in any area, I would like to work like a Director or a Scriptwriter, because these are the areas where I have more experience than others, I like Cinematography too, but like I don't have my own camera I don't have much experience.

If I were asked in a job interview about my strengths and weaknesses I would say that my principal skills are Responsibility, Timeliness and Leadership, also I think that I have good ideas and I have a lot of sense of humor, so I don't get stressed about anything. I don't have weaknesses because I'm perfect in that sense, I'm a kind of Terminator but made in the present, my only fail is not have fails. That's a joke obviously because I'm not a robot, I'm a mutant,  a real mutant being. That's all, bye.


  1. who cares about the future anyways...

  2. My favorite part is when Edward Furlong control the automatic cajer.

  3. you post start like Oscar's blog jaja, let me say that present don't exist, aaaaaaaah!!

  4. I think Arnold Schwarzenegger is prettier than you.

  5. You're right, future sucks. LIVE FAST AND DIE YOUNG, that's all I have to say.
